Stay in touch

billbox Associates aims to promote entrepreneurial action with social responsibility.

As a network

With billbox Associates we cultivate the exchange with entrepreneurs. For us, it's not just about establishing sustainable business relationships, it's above all about meeting like-minded people and having a good conversation with one another. With this in mind, we also encourage encounters between entrepreneurs and regularly launch events.

As a driving force,

Entrepreneurship is essentially driven by curiosity. We want to give space to this thirst for knowledge. And ask ourselves the question in the context of various event formats: What drives the market, the world of work, society?

As a creator of meaning

As a company that values ​​the ethics of its own product portfolio, we would also like to make a contribution to society. billbox Associates takes on the project of positive living and working in the future and therefore promotes initiatives in education, research and the world of work.

You are an entrepreneur and want to learn more about billbox Associates.

Please contact us at We would also be happy to contact you: